How it ranked in the top 5 results with a link building campaign.


Previous situation

The link building campaign that allowed to rank in the top 5 results for its main landings.


The strategy is built around four main focuses:
  • 01. Commercial events like Cyber Monday and Black Friday.
  • 02. Special dates like Mother's Day.
  • 03. The launch of products and features by Paris.
  • 04. The main services offered by the brand.
In this regard, the expected goals are focused on improving visibility in terms of positioning, indexing, and authority of the optimized landing pages.


As a result, 61.7% of the total inbound links to the website were generated from the links created during the campaign. 61,7%
3,6%, of this total of links, 93.6% were validated by Google as backlinks (incoming links).

On the other hand, the generation of links helped enhance the positioning of the target landings, moving them from the second page of the SERPs to the top 5 results on the first page of Google.

This not only boosts the target landings and keywords worked on in the link building strategy, but also expands positioning opportunities for searches related to the content where the brand was linked.

DIn this way, Paris managed to position itself for a broader range of searches, which allowed it to achieve a 1,328% increase in clicks and a 1,051% increase in impressions.

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